Making Disciples who Make Disciples
Our PASSION is to see the people of God, advance the Kingdom of God by the Mission of God, for the Glory of God! We want to help people become fully devoted followers of Jesus who invest their lives in others.
Holy Scriptures
We teach that the Bible is the Word of God, supernaturally inspired so that it is inerrant in the original manuscripts and has been preserved by God, so that it is the divinely authoritative standard for every age and every life.
We teach that salvation is wholly by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and entirely apart from any ordinance, ritual, human merit or works. Salvation is the free gift of God and once it is received it cannot by any means be lost. While sin may interrupt the joy of a believers fellowship with God and bring the loving discipline of the Father, the true believer is eternally secure.
We have lots of places to connect and serve. Our worship, discipleship, community and outreach teams are always looking for volunteers who want to make much of Jesus in our church, community and world.
You can give @ https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=WLT5M4G5EZND8

On Sunday mornings, we have Bible groups @9am for all ages and our worship gathering starts @10am. Then, on Sunday nights, we have GROW. This is a discipleship ministry that has something for every age group.
On Wednesday Nights @5:30pm, we invite you and your family to join us for Refuge. This is our youth and children's ministry. We provide a free meal, Bible studies and fun activities.

We believe it is essential to CONNECT with fellow Believers. We do this through our CONNECT ministry. We gather for fellowship in someone's home, at the church after the service or through dinner groups. Each time, there is a time of sharing, prayer and of course food!

James 5:16
Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.
How can we pray for you?
Contact us at www.fbclahoma@gmail.com
Lahoma, Oklahoma
A coating to an inch of snow and ice this evening through tomorrow afternoon
39° 24°
Partly sunny
Feels Like: 29°Humidity: 61%
Wind: 12 MPH
Contact Us
First Baptist Church of LahomaLahoma, Oklahoma 73754